Author: Tung
•Monday, December 29, 2008
You may come across some head-scratching words during your research about Tarantulas. Hope this list will help.
  • avic --- an Avicularia specie, or sometimes specifically Avicularia avicularia
  • brachy --- a Brachypelma specie
  • CB --- Captive Bred (the specimen was hatched in captivity)
  • CBB --- Captive Bred and Born (the specimen was hatched from a breeding attempt in captivity)
  • DCF --- Dark Color Form
  • DIY --- Do It Yourself
  • grammy --- a Grammostola specie
  • gravid --- pregnant with eggs
  • GBB --- GreenBottle Blue Tarantula (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
  • Haplo --- a Haplopelma specie
  • instar --- The number of molts a specimen has gone through, usually only apply to spiderling)
  • KB --- King Baboon Tarantula (Citharischius crawshayi)
  • LTC --- Long-Term Captive (a wild-caught specimen that has been kept in captivity for a long time)
  • MM --- Mature Male
  • NCF --- Normal Color Form
  • NW --- New World (generally mean the American continents - though technically it includes Australia)
  • OBT --- Orange Baboon Tarantula (Pterinochilus murinus) aka Orange Bitey Thing
  • OW --- Old World (the rest of the world that is not NW)
  • pet hole --- A burrowing specie/specimen that do not frequently come out of its burrow
  • pet rock --- A specimen that does not move much - usually means a Grammostola rosea
  • pokie --- A Poecilotheria specie. The word Poecilotheria is more appropriately pronounced Pea-see-low-thee-ree-ah
  • RCF --- Red Color Form
  • rosie --- Misspelling of rosea as in Grammostola rosea
  • sling --- A spiderling - baby spider
  • substrate --- The "soil" at the bottom of the enclosure for the Tarantula to rest on/burrow in
  • versi --- Avicularia versicolor
  • T --- Tarantula. Plural is T's.
  • WC --- Wild caught
  • x.y.z --- x number of male, y number of female and z number of unsexed specimens (respectively)
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